Do we experience pain during Lasik Eye Surgery?

LASIK laser eye surgery is usually painless. You may experience a feeling of pressure in your eyes during the procedure, but this may be unlikely.

Before your surgery, your surgeon will give you anesthetic drops to numb your eyes.

They’ll then use a small blade or laser to cut a flap in the outer layer of your eyes called the cornea. After that, they’ll use a laser to reshape your eyes. After your procedure, your eyes may:

  • burn
  • itch
  • have the sensation like there’s something in them

You will be given a protective shield to keep you from rubbing your eyes or accidentally poking them. The shield also helps you avoid putting pressure on your eyes while you sleep.

According to the research Source, you may experience mild discomfort or pain after your surgery once the anesthesia wears off.

Potential complications that may cause pain

Like any surgery, laser eye surgery comes with a risk of complications. Some complications such as an infection or dislodged corneal flap may cause severe pain.

If you’re experiencing severe pain, you should contact your doctor immediately.

It’s important to avoid rubbing your eyes for about 1 week after your surgery, and follow the rest of your doctor’s post-surgery instructions to prevent complications.

The majority of people who get laser eye surgery stay awake during the procedure. The entire surgery usually takes less than 30 minutes.

The actual laser procedure usually takes less than a minute per eye. Anesthetic eye drops are preferred by surgeons over general anesthesia that puts you to sleep.

According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, general anesthesia comes has risks and would increase the price of the surgery.

Although it’s rare, general anesthesia can cause some potentially life threatening side effects such as malignant hyperthermia, a condition that causes a fever and muscle contractions.

If you’re feeling anxious about your surgery, you may be offered a sedative such as valium to help you relax.

The Common Eye Problems You Must Be Aware Of in Monsoon Season

While the monsoons are enjoyed by many, it does bring a host of infections along with it. Eye infections are also common during the monsoon, and the most common ones include conjunctivitis, stye, and corneal ulcer. Hence, eye care is very important during the monsoon season.

Conjunctivitis or pink eye is most commonly caused by viruses or bacteria, some other irritating substances. It is an infectious disease and spreads easily during rain due to increased moisture in the air. Redness of eye, swelling, yellow sticky discharge from eyes, and itching in the eyes are common symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Eye stye is also very common during monsoon due to the bacterial infections. It occurs as a lump on the eyelid when one or more of the small glands near the base of your eyelashes get clogged. Dust particles and other substances can get caught in these glands promoting the bacteria to and multiply. Symptoms of stye include pus discharge, redness over eye lids, unbearable pain and bump in the eye.

What you must know about Glaucoma surgery?

A glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve. The disease is considered dangerous because it goes unnoticed in the early stages with very few symptoms and no pain but if left untreated, glaucoma is progressive, irreversible and leads to complete blindness.
Here are a few facts about glaucoma that one must know about,
● In glaucoma, the nerve connecting the brain and eyes, the optic nerve gets damaged, usually due to increased pressure on the eye.
● In the early stages of glaucoma, the peripheral vision is affected.
● The best way to diagnose glaucoma is dilated eye test, intraocular pressure is also measured.
● Anyone can have glaucoma but the risks are high in people above 40 years of age, patients of Diabetes and high blood pressure.
● Glaucoma is controlled using two methods
● Medicated eye drops
● Laser and minor surgical procedures
The second of the two methods used in controlling glaucoma that is the laser procedure and the minor surgical procedure are the new ones. So let us have a more in-depth look into both of these procedures.
The laser procedures are preferred by the healthcare experts unless there is severe damage to the optic nerve or the pressure is very high. In these procedures, a focused beam of light is used to treat the eye’s drainage system (trabecular meshwork). This helps in increasing the flow of fluid and in reducing the pressure. The patient undergoing such procedures can resume daily activity within a day or two of the procedure. The procedures do not completely eliminate the need for medication but the amount required is decreased. There are different types of laser procedures for different kinds of glaucoma.
Type of glaucoma:
● Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG)
● Narrow angles and narrow-angle glaucoma
The surgical procedures, also known as incisional surgery involve the creation of a drainage hole with the use of a surgical tool. The new opening allows intraocular fluid to bypass clogged canals and in turn reduces the intraocular pressure. These surgeries are taken up only when the laser surgeries fail to lower the eye pressure.
These surgeries are carried out using local anesthetics and relaxing medications and therefore in most cases, there is no pain involved. In some cases, the newly created drain starts closing up as the body treats the drain as an injury. This mostly occurs in in younger adults and to control the same, anti-wound healing drugs are used to slow down the healing process.
Glaucoma is considered as a silent thief of sight, as it shows very low to no symptoms in its early stages and if left untreated, can cause complete blindness. So if you have any minor issues related to the eye you should take care of it immediately and you should definitely consult your eye specialist and get checked for glaucoma today.
If you are looking for the best eye hospital in Lucknow for glaucoma-related queries and tests, Vinayak Netralaya is the option you should choose. Experienced doctors and top of the line technology at the Vinayak Netralaya assures that you get the best possible glaucoma treatment in Lucknow (U.P.).

How Does Diabetes Have an Impact on Your Eyes?

Blurry vision can make it difficult for you to see finer details. Objects around you can lack sharpness, like the out-of-focus parts of a photograph. One of the main causes of blurry vision can be diabetes. Vision blurriness can change through the day and could be obvious or subtle. Depending on the cause, it can come quickly or slowly.

Also, the complications can be both long-term and short-term and can adversely affect the eyes and eyesight of a person with diabetes. This article discusses the effects of diabetes on your eyes.

How Does Diabetes Affect the Eyes?

High blood sugar caused due to diabetes can have the following short-term as well as long-term effects on your eyes:

  • Short-term: Here, the blurriness occurs due to different reasons. The fluid levels in your eyes can alter due to high blood sugar levels or cause the eyes to swell. Sometimes, the short-term issue resolves itself when the blood sugar levels fall. Furthermore, diabetes can also cause short-term blurriness if the blood sugar levels are too low. This condition is known as hypoglycemia.
  • Long-term: Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to high blood sugar levels that can cause damage to small blood vessels in the long run. Damaged blood vessels can leak fluid and lead to swelling. It can also cause new, fragile blood vessels to grow, which can bleed into the middle section of the eye. This can result in scarring or excessively high pressure inside the eye. Such issues can lead to other problems with the retina, which eventually creates a blurry vision and can even result in vision loss.

Eye Diseases Caused by Diabetes

The four most serious diabetic eye diseases include:

  1. Diabetic Macular Edema

The swelling of the macula due to diabetes is known as diabetic macular edema. This disease can destroy the sharp vision over time and lead to partial vision loss or total blindness. This diabetic eye disease generally develops in people who may already be suffering from other signs of diabetic retinopathy.

      2. Diabetic Retinopathy

It develops when damaged blood vessels harm the retina. The blood vessels can bulge, weaken, and leak into the retina in early diabetic retinopathy. This is known as non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. If the disease worsens, the blood vessels close off, which can cause new blood vessels to grow on the retina surface. This is called proliferative diabetic retinopathy.

     3. Glaucoma

It is a group of eye diseases that can damage the optic nerve. Diabetes can increase the chances of developing glaucoma, which can cause blindness and loss of vision if not treated early.

     4. Cataracts

Unlike people without diabetes, cataracts can develop earlier in people with diabetes. According to research, high glucose levels cause deposits to build up in the eye lenses.

If you are looking for the best eye hospital in Lucknow for Eye-related queries and tests, Vinayak Netralaya is the option you should choose. Experienced doctors and top of the line technology at the Vinayak Netralaya assures that you get the best possible Eye treatment in Lucknow (U.P.).